Next Generation of Infrastructure Architecture
Orion Electric Age

Scenarios & Chanllenges

  • Cloud Native: the number of connections grow with thousands times
    • ScaleUp->ScaleOut->Mesh, see references item 1
  • Serverless: IO delay of stateful applications
    • Ephemeral Storage and Serverless Durable Storage, see references item 2
        To expand support to stateful applications, serverless frameworks need to provide a way for tasks
      to coordinate. For instance, if task A uses task B’s output there must be a way for A to know
      when its input is available, even if A and B reside on different nodes. Many protocols aiming to
      ensure data consistency also require similar coordination.
      None of the existing cloud storage services come with notification capabilities. While cloud
      providers do offer stand-alone notification services, such as SNS [42] and SQS [43], these services
      add significant latency, sometimes hundreds of milliseconds. Also, they can be costly when used
      for fine grained coordination. There have been some proposed research systems such as Pocket [44]
      that do not have many of these drawbacks, but they have not yet been adopted by cloud providers.
  • Security: Zero-Trust

Key Technology

Nvidia DPU Archtecture, DOCA

  • Functional Diagram, see references item 4
    Functional Diagram
  • Network Offload Diagram, see references item 4
    Network Offload Diagram


[1] Nvidia Data Processing Units
[2] Cloud Programming Simplified: A Berkeley View on Serverless Computing
[3] VirtIO without the Virt
[4] BlueField Software Manual