Algorithm the last but not the least
Orion Electric Age

Dynamic Programing

knapsack problem

  • You’re a thief with a knapsack that can carry 4 lb of goods, You have four items that you can put into the knapsack.
Stereo Laptop Guitar Iphone
$3000 $2000 $1500 $2000
4lbs 3lbs 1lbs 1lbs
  • solution of knapsack problem
    solution of knapsack problem

longest common substring

  • calculate the longest common substring between blue and clues, fosh compare with fish, fort, longest common substring is used for word wrap.
  • solution of longest common substring
    solution of longest common substring


  • Classification, categorization into a group.
  • Regression, predicting a response (like a number).
  • Feature extraction means converting an item (like a fruit or a user) into a list of numbers that can be compared.
  • Picking good features is an important part of a successful KNN algorithm.

Algorithms, Go Next

  • Trees, self-banlance tree, B-trees, Red-black trees, Heaps, Splay trees.
  • Inverted indexes, a hash that maps words to places where they appear.
  • The Fourier transform, given a smoothie, the Fourier transform will tell you the ingredients in the smoothie.
  • Parallel algorithms, consider for overhead of managing the parallelism and load balancing.
  • Map Reduce, the map function and the reduce function.
  • Bloom filters, Bloom filters are probabilistic data structures. Bloom filters are great because they take up very little space.
    • False positives are possible. Google might say, “You’ve already crawled this site,” even though you haven’t.
    • False negatives aren’t possible. If the bloom filter says, “You haven’t crawled this site,” then you definitely haven’t crawled this site.
  • HyperLogLog, HyperLogLog approximates the number of unique elements in a set. Just like bloom filters, it won’t give you an exact answer, but it comes very close and uses only a fraction of the memory a task like this would otherwise take.
  • The SHA algorithms, a one-way hash, can’t convert those hashes back to the original, and it’s locality insensitive, opposite with Simhash.
  • Diffie-Hellman key exchange, private key and public key.
  • Linear programming, is used to maximize something given some constraints, such as the knapsack problem.
