Gartner's view of Technology and Company

Research Methodologies
The Hyper Cycle
Description of technology trends, e.g. Top Trends in the Gartner Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies, 2017.Gartner Magic Quadrant
Companies are classified by leaders, challengers, visionaries and niche players in a specific market.
Storage & Disk Arrays
- HP 3PAR, Nimble
- DELL EMC, the book Information Storage and Management is recommended.
- NetApp
- IBM Storage, visit redbook to get more.
Cloud Infrastructure as a Service
- Amazon Web Services, serverless(Lambda), Nitro, AnnapurnaLabs
- Azure
- Aliyun
- Oracle
- Challengers: Google Cloud, Huawei Cloud, Tencent Cloud
Iaas Industry named triple-A with AWS, Azure and Aliyun. The triple-A has taken the most of market share in global. The trend of cloud is the standalization of IT industry, just as the automotive manufacturing.
Data Warehouse Database Management Systems
Industry news database trends and applications.